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Early to Bed, Early to Rise: Setting a sleep schedule for your child

by Alicia

Planning a consistent sleep routine for your child can be quite a task, especially when you want to weave in some delightful story reading. With the pandemic shaking up our daily lives, sticking to schedules has been challenging for many families. Nevertheless, re-establishing a structured bedtime routine is crucial for your child’s overall well-being. Let’s dive into some valuable insights and tips that will help you craft a dependable bedtime schedule.

Tip 1 – Visual Timetable for Clarity:

Ever thought about creating a visual timetable that’s a breeze for your child to understand? Think of pictures or symbols that represent different activities and their corresponding times. This visual guide can make the routine not only engaging but also crystal clear for your little one.

Tip 2 – Consistency is the Secret Sauce:


Here’s the deal – consistency is the bedrock of any successful routine. Try your best to stick to the timetable, especially during the initial phase. Kids thrive on predictability, and a consistent routine will soon become second nature.

Tip 3 – Managing Playtime:

It’s perfectly normal for kids to yearn for play, even when bedtime beckons. When faced with the classic resistance move, be firm yet gentle. Convey that bedtime isn’t up for negotiation; it’s time for much-needed rest. Over time, your child will grasp these boundaries.

Tip 4 – Transitioning to Sleep:

When shifting gears toward bedtime, it’s wise to skip the high-energy activities. Instead, opt for calming and soothing routines, such as reading a captivating bedtime story or tuning in to some soothing melodies. This signals your child that it’s time to wind down and get ready for dreamland.

Tip 5 – Handling Sibling Shenanigans:

For those with more than one bundle of joy, setting clear boundaries for playtime is key. Explain that there’s dedicated playtime during the day, but when night falls, it’s all about getting some good rest. This helps your child understand the distinction.

Tip 6 – Patience and Persistence:

Establishing a sleep schedule might require some time and patience. If your child puts up some resistance initially, don’t let it discourage you. Stay persistent in maintaining the routine, and before you know it, it will become a natural part of their daily life.

In a Nutshell:

Every child is unique, and what works wonders for one might not for another. Tailor the routine to suit your child’s needs and preferences. By forging a consistent sleep schedule, you’re gifting your child the structure and rest they need for healthy growth and development. As time goes by, both you and your child will reap the rewards of peaceful and restful nights, thanks to a well-established routine.

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